News | Extraorbital lacrimal gland excision-induced dry eye syndrome model

Two new preclinical rodent models induced by extraorbital lacrimal gland excision (LGE) to mimic symptoms of dry eye syndrome in the human eye

May 2, 2020 - The Iris Pharma Research Team has developed and validated two new experimental models in rats and mice to mimic symptoms of human dry eye disease (DED). These new models join Iris Pharma’s already substantial catalog of more than 40 animal models designed for preclinical testing in the field of ophthalmology.


Dry eye disease is induced by extraorbital lacrimal gland excision, a highly technical procedure performed by our expert technicians in ocular surgery. The induction causes moderate to severe aqueous tear deficiency as well as ocular surface damage.


Today DED affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, representing one of the most common eye diseases. These new animal models will be used as tools to run dry eye proof-of-concept studies and to test and select therapeutic candidates targeting inflammation and tear secretion.